Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What Would We Do Without Kay?

Yesterday Kay had to spend the morning at the hospital having some tests done. So, true to Kay form, Sunday evening she calls here to make sure that I will still be able to come and pick her up. Of course I will, would I forget Kay? Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, just as my lawn mower runs out of gas the hospital calls to tell me that Katherine is ready to come home. I almost said "Katherine who?" we don't know her as Katherine. So I get cleaned up and changed, (It wouldn't do to go get herself dirty and smelly) and hop into the car to rush to Kay's side.

The poor thing, they didn't treat her like the royalty she is, she was bored stiff on that gurney while waiting for her test to be done. No TV, crossword puzzle, no entertainment of any kind. Didn't they know that they had Kay there in their midst? Anyway, they quickly gave her the directions for her care and then it was into her wheelchair for the ride to the car and a volunteer to push her down the hall. A warning from me to treat her like a classic car and away we go.

She had some difficulty getting up into my car then we were off. Wait! she had to put on her lipstick before we left the parking lot! Straight back to the home and she settled in for the afternoon.

This is how royalty has tests at the local hospital. I will have to have a word with them about the entertainment thing.

We love our Kay.

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